Project Management & Coordination is handled by the Project Coordination and Management Team at Aalborg University, Denmark.

Anja Jørgensen, Research Coordinator
Anja Jørgensen is the Research Coordinator of COHSMO. She holds a Cand.scient.soc. and a Ph.d and is a Professor at the Institute of Sociology & Social Work at Aalborg University, Denmark.
e-mail:, phone: +45 9940 8133

Rikke Skovgaard Nielsen, Senior Researcher
e-mail: rsn@sbi, phone: +45 9940 2218

Mia Arp Fallov, Researcher
e-mail: phone: +45 9940 8110

Maja De Neergaard, Researcher
e-mail: phone: +45 9940 2207

Lene Tølbøll, Researcher
e-mail: phone: +45 9940 8144

Hans Thor Andersen, Project Coordinator
Hans Thor Andersen is the Project Coordinator of COHSMO. He holds a Cand.Scient. in cultural geography. Hans Thor Andersen is Director of Research at The Danish Building Research Institute at Aalborg University and is also Head of Department of Town, Housing and Property.
e-mail:, phone: +45 9940 2271

Flora Champetier, Project Manager
Flora Champetier is the project manager at COHSMO.
e-mail:, phone: +45 99403495