The COHSMO-Teams are Beginning Case Studies

During the next months, the seven COHSMO teams will be doing location-specific case studies in seven countries.

In the following months of August, September and October, each of the seven COHSMO-teams will visit three locations within their countries; one urban, one suburban and one rural to do location-specific case studies – all in all, 21 locations have been chosen. On each location, the teams will interview relevant local actors to gain an insight into the structures and mechanisms at play in the communities in regards to territorial governance and local leadership, and how these are influenced by patterns of urbanization and patterns of demographic change.

The aim of the COHSMO project is to investigate the relation between socio-economic structures of inequality, urbanization and territorial cohesion, and how territorial cohesion at different European levels affect economic growth, spatial justice and democratic capacities. Therefore, the purpose of the case studies is to gather relevant data for further analysis that will help answer the question of how location matters.

The locations chosen for case studies are:


  • Vienna
  • Ebreichsdorf (Kleinregion Ebreichsdorf)
  • Kleinregion Waldviertler Kernland


  • Aarhus
  • Horsens
  • Lemvig


  • Athens
  • Pallini/Peania
  • Marathon


  • Milan
  • Legnano
  • Oltrepo Pavese


  • Kaunas
  • Kaunas District Municipality
  • Pakruojis


  • Gdansk
  • Pruszcz Gedanski
  • Debrzno

United Kingdom:

  • Bristol
  • North Staffordshire
  • West Dorset

Read more about COHSMO and the PROJECT PARTNERS.